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4.5 ( 6115 ratings )
Dienstprogramme Bücher
Entwickler Sebastien BUET

Dont choose your book by the cover anymore!

Want to buy some good books on the iBook store or Amazon?
Read reviews about these books with iSFFMeta and make the right choice!

With iSFFMeta you can find all the reviews for more than 5000 Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror books with a convenient average to know which book is the best.

New books and reviews are added every day, so you can know every reviews for a book right when it gets released.

The information displayed in this application comes from the web site developed by Eric Bouchard. You can see here the list of web sites from which the reviews come from.

In brief with this application you can :
- See a list of the latest book releases, with an average score for every reviews that have been released.
- See a list of the highest scoring books published for the first time in the last 90 days.
- See a list of the highest scoring books published in the last year.
- See a list of the highest scoring books of all-time (Include mostly books published since 2007).
- Search for a book or an author.
- See the details of any book, with the cover, back blurb and a list of reviews including a short excerpt.